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Find out how the IRC initiative is progressing at national level.
There are currently 19 active national-level IRC coalitions. These coalitions have signed a shared memorandum of understanding. Though all are active, national coalitions are all at varying stages of progress. Find out more:
The Austrian Respiratory Coalition (ARC) is currently planning to initiate an awareness campaign dealing with familial pulmonary hypertension and familial pulmonary fibrosis. This campaign will be established by the Austrian Society of Pneumology in close collaboration with patient organisations (PH-Austria, Lungenfibrose Forum Austria, Austrian Lung Union).
Click here to explore the ARC website
The Belgian Respiratory Society (BeRS) and the Belgian Lung Foundation (BeLF) have established collaborations with different patient organisations, primary care organisations, and entities active in disease prevention, environmental protection and education. The Belgian coalition is currently building its membership and strengthening the structure of its group.
Belgian Lung Foundation – Promoting lung health (belgian-lungfoundation.be)
The Croatian IRC was established in 2023 and have established collaborations with different patient and primary care organisations, The Croatian coalition is currently building its membership and strengthening the structure of its group. They are focused on improving the quality of air in larger cities in Croatia and working to accelerate the renovation of the hospitals following the earthquake in 2020 in order to provide better access to respiratory care.
The French Coalition was born in 2021 as the “Collective of the General Estates for Respiratory Health”. In February 2024, the 26 members of the Coalition decide to unite under the single banner of the French Collective “Right to Breathe”. This new association will pursue the same objectives to promote respiratory health as a public heath priority and obtain a true national respiratory health plan.
To attain these goals, the Association aims to:
Launched in 2022, the Greek Respiratory Coalition is working to establish its partner organisations and national projects. Please see their recently launched website for further information.
Ireland joined the IRC in November 2024! More information on their partners and initiatives coming soon.
SIP-IRS and AIPO-ITS/ETS have developed over the years, a strong relationship with patients associations in Italy: CONSULTA DELLA PNEUMOLOGIA – COLLABORATION WITH PATIENTS ASSOCIATIONS – The Meeting Place for Patients with Chronic Respiratory Diseases.
SIP-IRS and AIPO-ITS/ETS coordinate the “Consula della Pneumologia”, founded in 2017, with the aim of bringing together all the organizations present in the national territory (Scientific Societies, Patient Associations, etc.).
Our common purpose: to respond to the increasingly relevant needs of patients suffering from respiratory diseases.
The common goals Prevention and Improvement of Respiratory Health:
The purpose of the Consulta della Pneumologia’s is to create an impactful force to give a voice to patients with respiratory diseases.
Key activities in 2024 include:
Launched in November 2024, Moldova has launched the Coalition for Respiratory Health from Republic of Moldova. They aim to promote respiratory health through education, prevention, and interdisciplinary collaboration. The Coalition brings together medical professionals to combat respiratory diseases and support public health initiatives.
Click here to view their Facebook page
The Lung Alliance Netherlands (LAN) is the federative association in the field of prevention and care of chronic lung diseases in the Netherlands. Within the LAN, parties from the pulmonary field join forces, such as patient associations, professional associations, health insurers and companies. Collaboration within the LAN ensures synergy.
The objectives of the LAN are to strengthen prevention and care for people with respiratory diseases. More in detail:
• Reducing the number of people with chronic lung diseases;
• Reducing the severity of their illness and the number of deaths due to chronic lung diseases;
• Promoting the quality of life of people with chronic lung diseases.
The LAN reaches its goals through:
• Shared vision and policies;
• Synergy between member organizations;
• Cooperation with other organizations.
The Turkish Respiratory Coalition was established on March 22nd, 2023, based on International Respiratory Coalition initiation, to improve national lung health after the pandemic era. This establishment was led by two organizing national societies, namely the Turkish Thoracic Society and Turkish Respiratory Society, which have called to join all respiratory health-related organizations, including patient organizations. Twenty-two organizations were gathered to build a general assembly on June 5th, 2023. The main topics were then decided to establish working groups, including a monitoring board. Two hosting organizations have configured terms and conditions and agreement protocols.
The aims of the Turkish Respiratory Coalition:
The Polish Healthy Lungs Coalition was established by the Polish Respiratory Society in December 2022. Five signatories from the pulmonary care sector joined together for the Coalition: The National Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, The Polish Respiratory Society, The Polish Society of Pediatric Pneumonology, The National Consultant for Lung Diseases and the The National Consultant for Lung Diseases in Children.
The coalition was formed in response to the urgent need to improve the availability and quality of lung disease diagnosis in Poland. Its goal is to support the creation of a Polish pulmonary strategy focusing on three areas: improving care for patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, improving lung health in the context of (post-) pandemic challenges and raising awareness about challenges related to respiratory health.
The main goal of the Polish Coalition is to strengthen the systemic aspects of diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases in Poland, both from the perspective of the patient and the healthcare system.
During the formation of the Coalition , the signatories officially signed a Declaration . The Declaration established the resolve to work together for the recognition of lung diseases and to make them a priority in Polish health policy.
The coalition started its activities, among others, in the area of lung cancer. A debate was organised on the role of pulmonology in creating a national oncology network. The event involved the Minister of Health, the Parliamentary Health Committee, the Polish Lung Cancer Group, the Polish Thoracic Surgeons Club, the Polish Society of Pathologists, and the “To się leczy” Foundation.
The coalition has concrete plans for further action and has already actively started the implementing its strategy.
We have formed a dedicated group comprising various organizations and experts to address respiratory disorders comprehensively, including prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. After analyzing national data, we have identified sleep apnea as a significant national problem that requires immediate attention. Consequently, we have chosen to focus on sleep disorders as a starting point.
The group consists of esteemed organizations, namely the Portuguese Society of Pneumology, the National Program for Respiratory Diseases, the Lung Foundation, the Portuguese Association of People with COPD and other Chronic Respiratory Diseases – RESPIRA. Additionally, we are fortunate to have the expertise of a journalism professor from Minho University within our group.
Following our initial meetings, we have commenced work on the first draft of our project. The primary objective of this project is to develop a strategic framework that will enhance the response to respiratory disorders, with a specific focus on sleep apnea, given its national prevalence and impact. Our strategy will be meticulously piloted, evaluated, and refined before being scaled up and implemented nationwide.
By leveraging the expertise and resources of our collaborative group, we aim to address the challenges faced by individuals affected by respiratory disorders, ensuring improved prevention, diagnosis, and treatment options. By starting with sleep apnea, a nationally recognized problem identified through our thorough analysis of national data, we hope to impact the overall respiratory health of the population significantly.
The Romanian Society of Pneumology (RSP) – Societatea Română de Pneumologie (SRP) is in the process of partnering with different patient organisations and other professional and scientific associations in order to ensure the prevention and control of respiratory diseases, environmental protection, and to provide public education. It already has a collaboration agreement with six patient organisations and activities have included general public education on the prevention or treatment of respiratory diseases, actions regarding air pollution, and development and the implementation of programs and actions designed to prevent and fight respiratory diseases.
Read more about the Romanian activities
In August 2022, the Spanish Ministry of Health published its “Public Health Strategy 2022” with the aim of improving well-being and health in the country. Among the listed priorities, a focus on the prevention of disease by tackling behavioural and environmental risk factors, that notably cause lung cancer in the Spanish population, has been included.
Sweden joined the IRC in December 2024! More information on their partners and initiatives coming soon.
Ukrainian Respiratory Coalition – URC was established in 2024 to improve lung health for Ukrainian citizens. The main goals of URC are:
1. Raising the level of awareness and education: URC aims to implement educational campaigns for the population to raise awareness of the importance of preventing respiratory diseases, vaccination and healthy lifestyles.
2. Support and development of medical infrastructure: URC plans to conduct professional development activities for doctors.
3. Development and implementation of national standards: URC plans to work on the national standards for the treatment of respiratory diseases, based on the best available international standards and taking into account local requirements.
4. Providing access to vaccines and medicines: URC will work to ensure that all citizens of Ukraine have access to effective vaccines and medicines to treat respiratory infections. Particular attention will be paid to vulnerable groups, such as children, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases.
5. Monitoring and research: URC plans to improve a system for monitoring and analysis of data on respiratory diseases in Ukraine
Read more and connect on their Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
The Taskforce for Lung Health is a unique collaboration of over 40 patient and carer representatives, health care professionals, charities, professional bodies and other experts looking to improve lung health in England.
Our mission is to prevent more people from developing lung disease, and to transform the care of people living with respiratory conditions.
An Industries Forum, which works alongside the Taskforce, includes representatives from the pharmaceutical, diagnostics, devices and digital industries.
The Taskforce operates three working groups – Medicines Optimisation, Diagnosis, and Workforce – each focused on a key element of improving respiratory healthcare.
The Taskforce recently published Our plan: four years on, highlighting progress made to date. 2022 was a challenging year with both political and economic uncertainty and change, but there have been several welcome developments that will make a real difference for people with lung conditions, including:
While this progress is welcome, the work of Taskforce is far from over. This year, we will be continuing to push for improvements and change through our three working groups and the Taskforce more widely. Key priorities will include:
As ever, we owe our success to those that dedicate their time and insight to support the Taskforce and drive our work forward. The commitment of our Taskforce, Industries Forum and working groups members creates invaluable discussion and spurs on real progress. We are especially grateful to our patient and carer representatives, whose contributions highlight the importance of Taskforce’s mission and give vital focus to all the work we do.